Arguing when comparing using the example of the topic of migration
1.1 "Arguing when comparing using the example of the topic of migration"
Learning unit by Marine Simon and Alexandra Budke

This learning unit was developed within the SFB 806 "Our Way to Europe" and supported by the German Research Foundation - project number 57444011.
Since migration is a central social issue and occupies a particularly prominent place in the media, it is essential for students to be able to evaluate different sources of information comparatively and thus to be able to look critically at the discourse of the actors.
The competence to compare opinions and arguments is fundamental to evaluate facts and form their own opinion.
Migration and mobility - Comparative competence in geography lessons - Argumentation skills to support comparative processes
Developing comparative skills - understanding and comparing migrations - arguing and forming one's own opinion - recognising the importance of reasoning when comparing - substituting one's own reasoning to justify comparisons in a meaningful way.
This unit consists of different parts:
- "2. GETTING TO KNOW: The method of comparison using the example of the topic "migration"". Here you will learn about the method of comparison in geography lessons.
- "3. APPLY: Task". Here you will find the task for the following pages (4. MATERIALS for comparison) to apply the method of comparison and to practise the comparison.
- "4. MATERIALS for the comparison": On these pages you will find documents, videos, texts sorted by topic. Here you will choose the documents that interest you most and work on them.
- "5. Learn more about migration": On this page you will find additional documents and links that may be of interest to you.
- "6. Bibliography", "7. Didactic Commentary" and "8. Downloads-Area":
These pages are specially designed for teachers and students. They explain the order of the materials and how they can be used in teaching. The documents used are also available here in pdf and Word format.
Have fun working with the materials!
Marine Simon is a research assistant at the Institute for Didactics of Geography at the University of Cologne. She is also a geography teacher in France.
Alexandra Budke is a professor at the Institute for Didactics of Geography.
Michelle Wegener is a student assistant at the Institute for Didactics of Geography.
More info:
The spread of anatomically modern humans (AMH) from Africa to Europe has been the focus of SFB 806 "Our Way to Europe" since its start in 2009. Using archaeological and geoscientific methods, scientists are following the main migration routes of our ancestors. In the process, past climatic conditions, cultures, population changes and living conditions are reconstructed and the factors of dispersal are investigated. More info:
The authors would like to thank the researchers of SFB-806 for their time, cooperation and valuable advice in developing these resources, especially Dr Verena Foerster, Dr Hannah Hartung, Stephan Henn, Dr Felix Henselowsky, Prof. Dr Frank Schäbitz, Dr Ralph Vogelsang and Prof. Dr Gerd-Christian Weniger. Thanks to Dr Ute Dieckmann for her support and resources. Thanks also to the team of the Neanderthal Museum and to UNICEF Germany for their resources.
Further tips for literature:
Wilcke, H., & Budke, A. (2019). Comparison as a Method for Geography Education. Education Sciences, 9(3), 225.
Simon, M., Budke, A., & Schäbitz, F. (2020). The objectives and uses of comparisons in geography textbooks: results of an international comparative analysis. Heliyon, 6(8), 1–13.
Simon, M., & Budke, A. (2020). How Geography Textbook Tasks Promote Comparison Competency—An International Analysis. Sustainability, 12(20), 8344.
Further use as OER explicitly permitted: This work and its contents are - unless otherwise stated - licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Please cite according to TULLU rule as follows: "Arguing in comparison using the example of the topic of migration" by Alexandra Budke and Marine Simon , licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.